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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Twirtting: Twitter flirting

I have started to notice that tweeters of the world are flirting via this fairly new social networking sensation either blatantly by direct messaging other tweeters and typing the equivalent to “A/S/L?”

I once had a star-struck interest (I wouldn’t call it a crush) in a basketball player and found myself answering questions he posted on Twitter by @mentioning him. I paid attention to his tweets more than any others until my friends pointed out that it was a little out of the ordinary. With the billions of Twitter accounts that add to the vast information highway daily, why would I focus on one person?

Retweeting is another subtle way that people flirt on Twitter. If you follow someone closely enough and get all atwitter (!) about their posts, you may have a twush, or a Twitter crush.

I am still a firm believer in flirting in person when possible, and I find it a little odd when someone sends me an interested message based on my bio or photo. But is it that different from walking up to a stranger in a bar and asking to buy him or her a drink?

While Twitter is an excellent social tool, I want to suggest that instead of tweeting about the new #pumpkinspicelatte @Starbucks that the #hotbarista made you, try going up to her and asking what kind of latte she recommends.

Oh, and oversharing goes for Twitter too. Just don’t do it. For a hilarious and insightful peak at what that looks like, see the College Humor video below.

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