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Monday, February 7, 2011

XLV: Best Super Bowl Commercials

Americans are suckers for cuteness. Even you, grizzly football fans.

This year's Superbowl featured children dressed as Darth Vader, babies and puppies among the standard mid-football game car ads and those that feature leggy women like in the ad. Oh wait, that was Joan Rivers. (Why, I have to ask...)

My top pick was the Darth Vader child mastering the Jedi mind trick on a car. It not only melted my heart, but made me want to watch Star Wars again.

Since this is the first year I've noticed this - I don't want to jump the gun and call adorable Superbowl commercials a trend ... But it should be one. 

I think that Coke, which has had some truly stellar commercials in the past, failed during this game advertising-wise. They didn't play the cute card when it usually works so well for them. See adorable Coca-Cola bears below:

I know you all went "Awwww" when you saw this. This ad not only makes me smile but it works as an ad - it makes me want a frosty Coca-Cola - and I don't usually drink soda. The Lord of the Rings-esq commercial that aired this year made me wish that the hit movie Lord of the Rings doesn't become a cartoon series (if it isn't already too late for that.) This year's ad made me think more about the odd commercial than the product.

New isn't always better when it comes to marketing, especially for big brands like Coke. When I see the phrase: Open Happiness, I want to see small bears drinking soda, not dragons destroying a city (or castle ... Whatever.)
Entertainment Weekly cites the cluster of violent commercials that aired during this year's game and while some may have been fierce, the majority had redeeming cuteness. Grizzly bears mauled a group of friends eating McDonalds in their car, a cuddly pug knocked a glass door on top of someone all in the name of one Dorito and a jealous girlfriend blasted a blonde in the face with a Pepsi Max. While all of them are violent, they are also adorable and charming. 

So there you have it, football fans. You may be under the impression that you love violent commercials because, let's face it, they can be comical, but you may be smiling because that soft spot in your heart melted a little bit more from the cuteness of the commercial. 

Let's hope for more commercials like this next year. Oh, and a better team - Let's go Patriots!

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