Blogs > Citizens' Craze

Trends can bond people of all ages, backgrounds and economic standings, and can change the direction that society is going in. Are you wondering why your kids are doing the things they do or have you noticed that your co-worker has a new, intriguing hobby? Find out if everyone is doing it. If you notice something that you think people should know about, contact me at: or you can message me on Twitter @asanders88 or @citizenscraze.

Monday, November 29, 2010


The best things in life - music, movies, news, etc. - are user generated. Nothing would be popular in the world if the masses didn't make it so. With Twitter, Facebook and blogging, the people reading, viewing or listening to something can more easily tell the creators what they want. Remember when Anna Nicole Smith passed away and it stole news headlines for months while there was a war going on in addition to all sorts of other crises? It's because that's what people wanted to read about. Granted, user-generated content isn't always good because sometimes society needs to know about or see things they don't want to acknowledge. I know that after the first week, I had more than enough of Anna Nicole Smith, but maybe that's just me. For the most part, crowd-sourcing keeps people tuned in and most importantly, highlights what those people care about in the world.

Also, life would not be nearly as interesting if people just created what they wanted to and disregarded the rest of the world. So it would be a bit foolish of me not to use this semi-new fad to my (but mostly your) advantage.

While I am keeping my eyes peeled for all sorts of fascinating trends, as well as abhorrent ones, it isn't as fun to do it alone. I mean, really, you guys don't want to hear me, in my microcosm, talk about what I notice each week. I want to mix it up.

This is where you come in.

What have you noticed that you can't help bringing up over dinner at least once a week? Or what have you started to do, only to find that you are just one of the masses who is doing that thing now?

I want to know about it and so does the rest of the world - at least the internet users. E-mail me at or direct message me on Twitter at asanders88 if you want to write about a trend in society - even if it's not yet a booming one but you think it might become something big, maybe even at your own hands. And please, we all know the tired rant about Ugg boots and mini skirts. I think you guys can do better than that. Happy trend hunting!

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