Blogs > Citizens' Craze

Trends can bond people of all ages, backgrounds and economic standings, and can change the direction that society is going in. Are you wondering why your kids are doing the things they do or have you noticed that your co-worker has a new, intriguing hobby? Find out if everyone is doing it. If you notice something that you think people should know about, contact me at: or you can message me on Twitter @asanders88 or @citizenscraze.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Blogging: We want you

I'm looking at you, fellow Connecticut journos (and others who value blogging.)

Everyone and their pets has a blog these days, and now you can too. If you already have one, even better.

The New Haven Register is looking for more Community Media Lab bloggers because we want to hear what you care about and why everyone else should care about it.

A lot of people have blogs that are lost out there in the vast span of the Internet, but this is a way that your voice could be heard. Maybe your blog will help people understand the therapeutic value of knitting or what is going on with grade school education in your town.

Everyone has something to say about their community or their passions and joining the Community Media Lab is a great way to express yourself. If you can spare a few minutes per week to write about a passion or something that you have then this could be the beginning of a long friendship.

Apology to my fellow CT journos looking for work: The position is non-paying (purely volunteer) but it is journalism at its finest if you want it to be.

Simple guidelines from our Online Producer:
1. You must link to us in return for us linking to you
2. You must regularly post
3. You must be passionate about what you're writing about

Interested? Let me know or contact a New Haven Register staff member. Don't be shy - you never know what people might be interested in reading about.

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