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Trends can bond people of all ages, backgrounds and economic standings, and can change the direction that society is going in. Are you wondering why your kids are doing the things they do or have you noticed that your co-worker has a new, intriguing hobby? Find out if everyone is doing it. If you notice something that you think people should know about, contact me at: or you can message me on Twitter @asanders88 or @citizenscraze.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March Madness (I have the fever)

OK, so basketball may not be a trend, but there is something that is jumping out at me during this particular March Madness season: I am (as well as some of my other non-obsessed wannabe basketball fan friends) getting excited about basketball.

As a University of Connecticut graduate, I was bred to love the game. I painted my face with a blue and white UC, spend big bucks on UConn sports paraphernalia, and made sure to get season tickets. While I loved the energy, camaraderie and excitement about basketball, I never really loved the game.

Junior year of college I found myself at the elite eight in Arizona, which then turned into a trip to the final four in Detroit and those games were a bit closer to my heart than any regular basketball game, but still, it was just basketball.

Even after standing for hours staring at a basketball court in New York City only to watch Syracuse crush UConn by a few points, it was still just a game to me, albeit a painful one.

But now I find myself out of college with a real job and a non-collegiate lifestyle aching to watch UConn win the game tonight in a big step in the NCAA tournament. Maybe it's true that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone. But I don't just miss dressing up in blue and white and screaming the UConn chant with my fellow Huskies. I think, gulp, I miss basketball. It's a weird feeling for me, as someone who always kind of understood sports but never really strained to understand them too deeply.

I have noticed that some of my fellow college graduate friends feel the same way about their alma maters' sporting events. In that spirit, I want to encourage those who may not be die-hard sports fans to turn on their televisions and try to understand what an alley-oop is.

You can start by tuning in at 7 p.m. tonight to watch UConn beat San Diego.


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