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Friday, April 15, 2011

P90x Day 1: I can feel that I have muscles!

I survived day one of my 90 day fitness plan following P90x. Don't act so surprised. I'm a champ, you know.

All right, so I'll admit that I struggled through the hour and 15 minute chest, back and abdominal workout. I can comfortably do about 25 pushups. But P90x guru, Tony Horton, asked me to do far more then 25 regular pushups. There were diamond pushups, dive-bombers, military pushups, you name it...

And it is just as painful as it sounds, in case you were curious.

But if I want to be as fit as the girl (Marina, I think is her name?) in the initial workout video who, as Horton said, is "stronger than the average bear," I have to push through it. So I did.

Breathing, walking and thinking hurt after I was done. Chelsea, my friend who is doing the workout with me, said that it hurt to lift her beer after.

Editor's note: Beer is probably not the best choice for an after p90x drink, but in my non-expert opinion, perhaps it will help you relax your muscles. And you are allowed one liquid snack in the diet plan, so that was it.

Yes, there is a (loose) diet plan that comes with the program. I think will be pretty easy to follow, actually. No junk food and portion control, that's about it. Ok, so I gave in and had a burger after the workout, but apparently that counts as protein, so I'm safe.

After work today I will embark on day two of the plan, which is mostly plyometrics. Wish me luck!

Chelsea, me and Chelsea's brother Jake doing pull up exercises with resistance bands.

Verdict: P90x, albeit challenging, is not as impossible as I thought it would be.

Advice: stretch before trying any of the exercises.
Invest in protein shakes - they help you feel full and make up for all the calories you burned while trying not to faceplant while doing pushups.

Results: Three pulled muscles, feeling fit and energized, but was incredibly tired after the workout

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