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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Time In: Fitness Form and Fun

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Ready for this? I think that I have found the perfect exercise balance that cheats both training programs I am working on, but also combines them. Doesn't make sense? I'll explain...

The new schedule that I am following fell into place without any coaxing from me this week. It was really based on how much pain I could handle in a given time period.

Here's what happened:

I interrupted my 5-day running spree I had going to do the P90x arms, chest, back and abs workout Tuesday, and on Wednesday morning I discovered muscle pain in places I didn't know muscles existed. I have already done this workout sequence and those muscles have not hurt or even felt a slight burn. I took this to mean I am doing the workouts correctly. My form has gotten better, therefore I am feeling pain where I am supposed to feel pain, er, feel toned I mean.

It was too much pain to run, let alone move, yesterday, so I spent about 30 minutes stretching and was in fine shape for my run this morning. 

For beginners who are trying to increase their fitness level AND train for a race, I recommend the following schedule, from one amateur to another:

Mon: P90x - back, chest and arm workout (1 hour) + P90x ab workout (15 mins)

Tues: Stretch arms and legs for a lengthy period of time (30-45 mins) add some yoga moves so you are still strengthening your core.

Wed: Run - three miles (25 mins) + P90x ab workout (15 mins)

Thurs: P90x - arm and shoulder workout (1 hour) or Run - three miles (25 mins)

Fri: Run - three miles (25 mins) + P90x ab workout (15 mins) or P90x yoga and stretching (1.5 hours)

Sat: Run - three miles (25 mins) *Only do ab workout if you did not do it Friday. It isn't good to do it everyday

Sun: Rest (if you're weak!) Ok, ok, a rest day (in my amateur opinion, is fine.) Just don't munch on an entire bag of potato chips or a gallon of ice cream and you should be ok.

Now for my observations:.

Perks: This thrown-together schedule has given me four times the energy than I had starting out and it has helped me fall asleep at a reasonable hour and wake up at a reasonable hour after eight hours of peaceful sleep. 

Diet tips: I have been having one protein shake on the days that I run or do intense P90x workouts. I have also found that eating 4 small meals per day is keeping me full and satisfied. On nights that I come home from work at midnight, I'm not tempted to go straight to the fridge. I'm now tired (and full) enough to go right to sleep. 

Slacking: I have to make sure I stretch everyday. No matter what. Even for five or 10 minutes. And most importantly, I need to drink way more water. I mean, quadruple my water intake. I drink about 2 full water-bottles per day but should be drinking around eight during this workout plan.

This is a learning process, but I am finding it more enjoyable and less chore-like as I progress. As always, feel free to offer tips or share workout experiences. Happy working out!

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